Married Life
“Married Life” is an oil painting created by the French painter Roger de La Fresnaye in 1914. The painting measures 115 cm x 81 cm and features a couple holding hands, surrounded by objects and shapes in bright colors and angles.
Dimensions: 98.9 x 118.7 cm
Created: 1912
Description of Married Life
“Married Life” is an oil painting created by the French painter Roger de La Fresnaye in 1914. The painting measures 115 cm x 81 cm and features a couple holding hands, surrounded by objects and shapes in bright colors and angles.
This painting represents La Fresneye’s contribution to Cubism, a movement that revolutionized the art world through the depiction of multiple viewpoints in a single composition. Other famous works by La Fresnaye include “The Conquest of Air,” “The Meeting,” and “Circular Forms.”
“Married Life” illustrates the artist’s visual interpretation of a harmonious and happy relationship or a meeting of equals. The angular forms and bright colors create a sense of depth and convey the complexity of human relationships. The painting perfectly captures the essence of Cubist art, which emphasized the importance of representation through abstraction.
Despite its name, the painting is not limited to the representation of marital life. It presents universal forms and colors that are not gender-specific and represent life in all its complexity. Today, “Married Life” is a popular example of early Cubist art and can be found displayed in museums all over the world.
About Married Life Oil Painting Reproduction
* SIZE: Any size can be customized.
* MEDIUM: High-quality oil, matte finish.
* SIGNED: Sign as requested.
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