White Vase with Flowers
Redon’s White Vase with Flowers presents a vision serene, tinged with melancholy subtle. Pale blooms float wraith-like against a surface milk-washed, their fragile forms mute echoes of a vase marbled with whispers of gray.
No mortal hand could pluck these phantoms fair—Redon’s brush alone conjures their likeness wraith-light from a medium blank as forgetfulness. His flowers stir muted wonder, a dream of beauty fugitive and fleeting as memory’s frail etchings dimmed by time.
Dimensions: 73.0 x 53.7 cm
Created: 1912-1914
Medium: pastel, paper
Description of White Vase with Flowers
Redon’s White Vase with Flowers presents a vision serene, tinged with melancholy subtle. Pale blooms float wraith-like against a surface milk-washed, their fragile forms mute echoes of a vase marbled with whispers of gray.
No mortal hand could pluck these phantoms fair—Redon’s brush alone conjures their likeness wraith-light from a medium blank as forgetfulness. His flowers stir muted wonder, a dream of beauty fugitive and fleeting as memory’s frail etchings dimmed by time.
They nod pensive, as in a world apart bereft of sun or shadow’s kiss. What cosmic breeze sets ghostly stems to trembling— or is it but a sigh, escaping lips long stilled but in imagination’s realm now wandering?
Here is a solace murmured as the grave’s pale promise—wan hope of a mortal spring eternal, though blooms beloved beat fragile wings into the void no more. Redon’s whisperings betwixt this world and next leave thought to wander dimmed amaranthine bowers, seeking traces dear now faded all.
His sepia reverie, twilit, calms with visions threnody-sweet of beauties flown on silent wings. White Vase stands as a monument to glories niched in memory’s depths, their fading forms from darkness loosed to wander yet awhile through dream’s bleak vales—pale heralds of a kingdom hidden, biding far beyond our mortal ken.
These flowers fade not with the close of the day, vigil keeping through all watches lone until at last, we too slip bonds corporeal to roam gray fields forgetful. Redon’s requiem renders solace dear, balm for the ache of longing infinite in souls too mindful of life’s sempiternal dance macabre. Pause we here awhile with petals ashen, sharing quietus blest – nature’s balm and nulla crux alike in realms where time stills its headlong race.
About White Vase with Flowers Oil Painting Reproduction
* SIZE: Any size can be customized.
* MEDIUM: High-quality oil, matte finish.
* SIGNED: Sign as requested.
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