The Angelus
The Angelus is an oil painting created by Jean-Francois Millet in 1857-59. It depicts two peasants bowing in a field over a basket of potatoes to say a prayer at the evening Angelus bell. Millet’s painting captures the solemn dignity of agrarian life through its poetic depiction of devout humility and human connection to the cycles of nature. The work highlights Millet’s role in pioneering Realism’s focus on contemporary social conditions of the working class.
Dimensions: 55.5×66 cm
Medium: Oil on canvas
Description of The Angelus
The Angelus is an oil painting created by Jean-Francois Millet in 1857-59. It depicts two peasants bowing in a field over a basket of potatoes to say a prayer at the evening Angelus bell. Millet’s painting captures the solemn dignity of agrarian life through its poetic depiction of devout humility and human connection to the cycles of nature. The work highlights Millet’s role in pioneering Realism’s focus on contemporary social conditions of the working class.
Millet was a French Realist painter known for depictions of peasant farmers and rural life. His paintings explored the quiet dignity and hardship of agricultural labor. Millet aimed to convey the intrinsic poetry he found in humanity’s relationship to the soil. The Angelus is Millet’s most famous work, exemplifying his gift for infusing Realist subject matter with spiritual resonance.
A couple stands with bowed heads in a potato field under a vast, empty sky at dusk. Their wheelbarrow and basket signify harvest’s end, the day’s final duties and pause for devotion. Millet conveys the slow rhythms and implacability of farming life, its long hours, and its connection to eternal cycles beyond human control. But the ringing bell also represents faith’s power to sanctify daily labor.
Other famous works by Millet include The Gleaners, The Sower, and Peasant Women. Millet’s paintings focused on agrarian life and explored the poignant relationship between humanity and the earth that sustains it. His works aimed to reveal the intrinsic dignity, hardship, and piety of rural existence.
The Angelus endures through its compelling vision of spirituality permeating everyday life. The painting poignantly captures why Millet saw intrinsic holiness made manifest in the rhythms of the natural world and humanity’s struggle to work the soil. It continues to move us with its solemn reminder of faith’s power to transcend all mortal efforts, consecrating even the humblest acts of human toil. Millet’s masterpiece shaped generations of artists aiming to convey poetry in ostensibly prosaic subjects and find the eternal in the transient. His paintings gave visual testament to shared hopes, devotions, and the dignity of all lives bound to the common fates and fundaments of human experience.
About The Angelus Oil Painting Reproduction
* SIZE: Any size can be customized.
* MEDIUM: High-quality oil, matte finish.
* SIGNED: Sign as requested.
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