

Roses is an oil painting created by Vincent van Gogh in 1890. It depicts pink roses spilling out of a vase against a turquoise background. Van Gogh’s expressive and emblematic style is evident in the loose brushwork, flattened forms, and choice of roses as a subject symbolizing beauty, passion, and ephemerality. The work provides insight into van Gogh’s aim to explore life’s meaning through the poetic and symbolic rendering of subjects in heightened emotional color and freely handled forms.

Artist: Vincent van Gogh
Dimensions: 71 × 90 cm
Period: Post-Impressionism
Created: 1890
Medium: Oil on canvas
Location: The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York

Description of Roses

Roses is an oil painting created by Vincent van Gogh in 1890. It depicts pink roses spilling out of a vase against a turquoise background. Van Gogh’s expressive and emblematic style is evident in the loose brushwork, flattened forms, and choice of roses as a subject symbolizing beauty, passion, and ephemerality. The work provides insight into van Gogh’s aim to explore life’s meaning through the poetic and symbolic rendering of subjects in heightened emotional color and freely handled forms.
Van Gogh was known for emotive still lifes, portraits, and landscapes exploring themes of mortality, purpose, and humanity’s spiritual connection to nature. His impassioned style aimed to convey the poetic and symbolic resonance of subjects through rhythmic lines, expressive color, and texture. Roses demonstrate van Gogh’s mastery of infusing still life with allegorical depth through the choice of ephemeral yet eternal flowers rendered in rich impasto and chromatic intensity.
Pink roses and verdant leaves twist against a vivid turquoise background, spilling from a vase implied alone through negative space. Petals unfold at the peak of blooming yet already fallen, clutched by the vase’s unseen lip in a fleeting vision suggesting life suspended between becoming and ceasing to be. Van Gogh’s visceral brushwork and choice of ochres, pinks, and malachite shape the familiar into fantastical where colors clash and forms dissolve in a riotous dance belying death’s patient trod. His roses entwine the eternal and transient, desire and loss bloomed together as a question without reply: which doom, which promise here abides?
Other famous works by van Gogh include The Starry Night, Cafe Terrace at Night, and Sunflowers. Van Gogh’s post-impressionistic paintings explored themes of purpose, mortality, and humanity’s spiritual connection to nature. His emotive and symbolic style aimed to convey the poetic experience of subjects through expressive line, color, and texture.
Roses highlight van Gogh’s ability to imbue still life with allegorical depth and poignancy. His vision shaped modern art’s expressive and symbolic turn through confrontations with beauty, love, and the ephemeral in realms eternal yet bound to die. Van Gogh gave form to life’s meaning sought through ships that pass in twilights where colors flame against the dying of the light, and roses bloom at journeys end. His paintings explore infinities we share, and purpose abides in moments touched by gods in the ephemeral folds of mortal rapture’s rose.

About Roses Oil Painting Reproduction

* SIZE: Any size can be customized.
* MEDIUM: High-quality oil, matte finish.
* SIGNED:  Sign as requested.

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