Place de la Concord
Albert Lebourg captures the hustle and bustle of Paris in his cityscape Place de la Concorde. A crowded Parisian plaza comes alive under Lebourg’s brush, teeming with carriages, pedestrians, and other urban sights. The iconic Luxor Obelisk rises in the background, providing an oriental counterpoint to the Belle Époque architecture.
Description of Place de la Concord
Albert Lebourg captures the hustle and bustle of Paris in his cityscape Place de la Concorde. A crowded Parisian plaza comes alive under Lebourg’s brush, teeming with carriages, pedestrians, and other urban sights. The iconic Luxor Obelisk rises in the background, providing an oriental counterpoint to the Belle Époque architecture. Lebourg’s loose, impressionistic style perfectly conveys the energy and immediacy of the scene. Swift daubs of paint suggest figures in motion, from a well-dressed couple crossing the street to riders on horseback. Lebourg’s vibrant palette captures fleeting changes in light and shadow. Reds, yellows, and blues dance across storefronts, awnings, and carriage tops in lively contrast to cool grays and purples in the sky. This kaleidoscopic vision celebrates the visual richness of the modern metropolis.
In addition to Parisian cityscapes, Lebourg painted quiet landscapes, intimate portraits, and innovative still lifes. He was a prominent Impressionist painter and early member of the Société des Artistes Indépendants. Along with urban scenes, Lebourg’s diverse body of work provides a vivid glimpse into late 19th century French life.
At Oil Painting Kingdom, our artists can recreate replica oil paintings of Lebourg’s works like Place de la Concorde with meticulous detail. We also offer custom oil painting services for one-of-a-kind pieces inspired by Impressionism. Browse our online gallery to discover stunning reproductions of French masterpieces.
About Place de la Concord Oil Painting Reproduction
* SIZE: Any size can be customized.
* MEDIUM: High-quality oil, matte finish.
* SIGNED: Sign as requested.
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- Quality products by professional artists
- Delivery within 5-14 days
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