Boulevard des Capucines


Boulevard des Capucines” is a stunning oil painting by the French impressionist artist Claude Monet, completed in 1873. The painting captures a wintry scene of the famous Parisian boulevard, bustling with people, horses, and carriages against a backdrop of imposing buildings and a steely grey sky.

Artist: Claude Monet
Dimensions: 80.3 cm × 60.3 cm (31.6 in × 23.75 in)
Period: Impressionism
Created: 1873-1874
Medium: Oil on canvas

Description of Boulevard des Capucines

Boulevard des Capucines” is a stunning oil painting by the French impressionist artist Claude Monet, completed in 1873. The painting captures a wintry scene of the famous Parisian boulevard, bustling with people, horses, and carriages against a backdrop of imposing buildings and a steely grey sky. The painting is characterized by Monet’s unique use of light and color, which captures the fleeting beauty and vitality of urban life.

Monet was one of the leading figures of the impressionist movement, and his works are known for their emphasis on capturing the “impression” of a scene through loose brushwork, vibrant colors, and a sense of immediacy. Some of his other famous works include “Water Lilies,” “Impression, Sunrise,” and “The Walk Woman With A Parasol.”

In “Boulevard des Capucines,” Monet creates a dynamic scene full of movement and energy, using his bold, expressive brushstrokes and muted color palette to convey the hustle and bustle of the city. The painting’s greys, blues, and blacks create a sense of wintry chill, while the pops of reds, yellows, and greens add vibrancy and warmth to the scene.

Overall, “Boulevard des Capucines” is a masterful work of impressionism that showcases Monet’s unique vision and his keen understanding of light and color. The painting remains a beloved masterpiece of urban genre painting, and it continues to inspire and captivate viewers with its timeless beauty and its celebration of the vitality of modern life.

About Boulevard des Capucines Oil Painting Reproduction

* SIZE: Any size can be customized.
* MEDIUM: High-quality oil, matte finish.
* SIGNED:  Sign as requested.

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