Morning in the Village After Snowstorm
“Morning in the Village After Snowstorm” is an oil painting by the famous Russian avant-garde artist Kasimir Malevich. The artwork was created in 1912 and measures 51 cm x 64 cm. The painting captures a morning scene in a small village after a snowstorm, where an old windmill and the surrounding landscape are abstractly depicted.
Created: 1912
Medium: Oil on canvas
Description of Morning in the Village After Snowstorm
“Morning in the Village After Snowstorm” is an oil painting by the famous Russian avant-garde artist Kasimir Malevich. The artwork was created in 1912 and measures 51 cm x 64 cm. The painting captures a morning scene in a small village after a snowstorm, where an old windmill and the surrounding landscape are abstractly depicted.
The painting is celebrated for its highly geometric and abstract style, as Malevich was one of the founders of the Constructivist movement that sought to represent the world through geometric forms and primary colors, thereby rejecting traditional representational art. Malevich’s “Black Square” and “Red Square” paintings are some of the most famous examples of his art, which are regarded as seminal works of the avant-garde movement.
Malevich’s art had a profound influence on the development of abstract art in the early 20th century, and many artists adopted his ideas and methods in their work. Despite facing criticism from the Soviet authorities, Malevich continued to produce avant-garde art until his death in 1935.
“Morning in the Village After Snowstorm” is a testament to Malevich’s experimental approach to art, and his profound sensibility to the aesthetics of color and geometry, making the painting an important piece of the modernist movement.
About Morning in the Village After Snowstorm Oil Painting Reproduction
* SIZE: Any size can be customized.
* MEDIUM: High-quality oil, matte finish.
* SIGNED: Sign as requested.
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