Allies Day, May 1917
Allies Day, May 1917 (cover ) is probably the most famous of Hassam’s flag paintings. It commemorates the visits of the French war commissioner Joseph-Jacques-Cesaire Joffre and British war commissioner Arthur James Balfour on May 9 and May 11, respectively, of 1917, a month after the United States had entered the war.
Created: 1917
Medium: Oil on canvas
Description of Allies Day, May 1917
Allies Day, May 1917 is an oil painting by the American Impressionist painter Childe Hassam, created in 1917. The painting depicts a patriotic parade on Fifth Avenue in New York City in support of the United States’ allies in World War I. The painting is celebrated for its use of light and color, with Hassam’s loose brushstrokes evoking the energy and movement of the parade and the bustling urban landscape of the city.
Hassam was a key figure in the American Impressionist movement, known for his skillful use of color and light. Some of his other famous oil paintings include The Avenue in the Rain (1917), Late Afternoon, New York, Winter (1900), and Spring Morning in the Heart of the City (1890). The Avenue in the Rain is a stunning portrayal of a rainy day in New York City, capturing the interplay of light, shadow, and reflection on the wet pavement. Late Afternoon, New York, Winter is a more somber and subdued urban scene, while Spring Morning in the Heart of the City features a bright, cheerful palette and a sense of optimism and renewal.
Hassam’s work is celebrated for its ability to capture the mood and atmosphere of a rapidly changing America during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. His influence on American art is profound, and his legacy as an innovator in the Impressionist style continues to inspire artists today.
About Allies Day, May 1917 Oil Painting Reproduction
* SIZE: Any size can be customized.
* MEDIUM: High-quality oil, matte finish.
* SIGNED: Sign as requested.
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