Café Terrace at Night
“Café Terrace at Night” is a remarkable oil painting by the Dutch post-impressionist artist Vincent Van Gogh, completed in 1888. The painting portrays a bustling café terrace in the French city of Arles, with its brightly-lit tables and chairs and the warm glow of the street lamps.
Dimensions: 80.7 cm × 65.3 cm (31.8 in × 25.7 in)
Period: Post-Impressionism
Created: 1888
Medium: Oil on canvas
Description of Café Terrace at Night
“Café Terrace at Night” is a remarkable oil painting by the Dutch post-impressionist artist Vincent Van Gogh, completed in 1888. The painting portrays a bustling café terrace in the French city of Arles, with its brightly-lit tables and chairs and the warm glow of the street lamps. The painting is characterized by Van Gogh’s use of bright, vibrant colors, bold brushwork, and expressive style.
Van Gogh was a pioneering figure of the post-impressionist movement, and his works are known for their emotional intensity and their vivid representation of the natural world. Some of his other famous works include “The Starry Night,” “Sunflowers,” and “The Potato Eaters.”
In “Café Terrace at Night,” Van Gogh captures the vibrant energy and warmth of a bustling night scene, using his bold, swirling brushstrokes and vivid colors to convey the sense of excitement and activity all around. The painting’s vibrant yellows, oranges, and blues create a sense of warmth and welcome, inviting the viewer to step into the bustling café and take in the sights and sounds of the evening.
Overall, “Café Terrace at Night” is a masterful work of art that showcases Van Gogh’s unique vision and his unmatched skill with color and form. The painting remains a beloved masterpiece of post-impressionism, and it continues to inspire and delight viewers with its timeless beauty and its vibrant energy.
About Café Terrace at Night Oil Painting Reproduction
* SIZE: Any size can be customized.
* MEDIUM: High-quality oil, matte finish.
* SIGNED: Sign as requested.
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