The Sower
Peasant imagery and especially that of the ‘Sower’ was something that Van Gogh turned to numerous times throughout his career. His affiliation with this subject was partly a response to the work of romantic Realists such as Millet and a reflection of his own socialist ideals. The sower in particular was a figure that Van Gogh saw in terms of representing the eternal cycle of agricultural life, honorable endeavor, and tradition, and symbolized these qualities to the artist.
The sun was also a symbolic element for Van Gogh, and in many of these paintings, it shines with an unearthly luminescence. Here he has created a great orb of light, from which short precise brushstrokes radiate outwards so that the whole sky becomes bathed in golden rags. The rest of the canvas is made up of short, quick brushstrokes that lend the ground a textured and slightly surreal feel. Barely perceptible are two crows that emerge from the fractured background, while the figure appears to be part and parcel of the land on which he works.
Dimensions: 64 cm × 80.5 cm (25.1 × 31.6 in)
Period: Post-Impressionism
Created: 1888
Medium: Oil on canvas
Description of The Sower
The Sower is an 1888 painting by famous Post-Impressionist artist Vincent Van Gogh. It depicts a peasant sowing seeds in a field against a stunning orange sky.
Painted in Arles, France, it features dramatic colors and thick impasto brushstrokes characteristic of Van Gogh. The lone sower’s monumental figure and rhythmic striding represent humanity’s enduring connection to the land. The setting sun is a metaphor for death and the uncertainty of what lies ahead. Van Gogh saw sowing as a symbol of creativity. This work is one of several sowers he painted, inspired by Jean-Francois Millet. Other similar works include Bedroom in Arles, Cafe Terrace at Night, and his series of Sunflowers. Van Gogh conveyed emotional experiences through the expressive and symbolic use of color and line.
About The Sower Oil Painting Reproduction
* SIZE: Any size can be customized.
* MEDIUM: High-quality oil, matte finish.
* SIGNED: Sign as requested.
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