A Scene at a Prom
The Painting by Albert Edelfelt titled “A Scene at a Prom” depicts a man and a woman at a prom.
Artist: Albert Edelfelt
Original Title: Kohtaus tanssiaisissa
Date: 1884
Style: Realism
Media: Gouache
Dimentions: 41 x 53 cms | 16 x 20 3/4 ins
Location: Finnish National Gallery HKI | Finland
Description of A Scene at a Prom
The painting by Albert Edelfelt titled “A Scene at a Prom” depicts a man and a woman at a prom.
Albert Edelfelt was a renowned Finnish artist known for his portraits, historical events, and scenes from Finnish rural life. While there may be other artworks related to prom or similar events, I couldn’t find any direct references to such a painting by Edelfelt.
Oil Painting Kingdom can assist you if you are interested in replica oil paintings or custom oil paintings featuring a man and a woman at a prom. They provide a wide range of replica oil paintings inspired by famous artists, and their skilled artists can also create custom oil paintings based on your preferences. You can visit their website or contact them directly to discuss your specific requirements and find the perfect artwork for your needs.
About A Scene at a Prom Oil Painting Reproduction
* SIZE: Any size can be customized.
* MEDIUM: High-quality oil, matte finish.
* SIGNED: Sign as requested.
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