A Mermaid
A Mermaid is a famous painting created in 1900 by British artist John William Waterhouse. It depicts a mermaid sitting on a rocky seashore, combing her long hair while gazing at her reflection in a mirror. The mermaid is strikingly beautiful, with a fish-like tail and a human upper body. Her hair fans out around her, covering her bare breasts. The surrounding seascape is painted in muted blues, greens, and browns.
Dimensions: 96.5 × 66.6 cm
Created: 1900
Description of A Mermaid
A Mermaid is a famous painting created in 1900 by British artist John William Waterhouse. It depicts a mermaid sitting on a rocky seashore, combing her long hair while gazing at her reflection in a mirror. The mermaid is strikingly beautiful, with a fish-like tail and a human upper body. Her hair fans out around her, covering her bare breasts. The surrounding seascape is painted in muted blues, greens, and browns.
Waterhouse was an English Pre-Raphaelite painter known for his paintings based on mythical and poetic themes. His artworks often featured female figures from mythology and literature in a realistic yet romanticized style. A Mermaid highlights Waterhouse’s masterful painting skills in creating a magical and dreamy quality through color and detail. The mermaid seems mysteriously caught between the human and marine worlds.
The level of detail in the mermaid’s flowing hair, gleaming fishtail, and rocks create an almost photographic quality. Yet the subject matter conveys a poetic and symbolic meaning. The mermaid combing her hair is a metaphor for vanity and the siren’s allure. Her nudity and the crashing waves also represent dangerous seduction and humanity’s primal desires. The painting has a dreamy and wistful quality centered around the mermaid’s beauty and longing for her own kind.
Other famous paintings by Waterhouse include The Lady of Shalott, Circe Offering the Cup to Odysseus, Pandora, and The Siren. Waterhouse is renowned for combining highly polished realistic techniques with poetic subjects from mythology and literature. His paintings are imbued with a sense of dreaminess, mystery, and metaphorical meaning around femininity and humanity’s spiritual yearnings. A Mermaid showcases Waterhouse’s masterful skill and imagination in creating an enigmatic scene of magical realism.
About A Mermaid Oil Painting Reproduction
* SIZE: Any size can be customized.
* MEDIUM: High-quality oil, matte finish.
* SIGNED: Sign as requested.
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