The Lady of Shalott
The Lady of Shalott is a famous painting by John William Waterhouse, completed in 1888. It depicts a scene from Alfred Lord Tennyson‘s poem of the same name. A woman sits alone in a boat floating down a river, singing mournfully as she weaves a tapestry. The woman is the Lady of Shalott, cursed to see the world only through reflections and weave what she sees into her tapestry.
Dimensions: 183 cm × 230 cm (72 in × 91 in)
Created: 1888
Description of The Lady of Shalott
The Lady of Shalott is a famous painting by John William Waterhouse, completed in 1888. It depicts a scene from Alfred Lord Tennyson‘s poem of the same name. A woman sits alone in a boat floating down a river, singing mournfully as she weaves a tapestry. The woman is the Lady of Shalott, cursed to see the world only through reflections and weave what she sees into her tapestry.
Waterhouse was an English Pre-Raphaelite painter known for his paintings based on poetic and mythical themes. His artworks were often allegories centered around femininity, longing, and humanity’s spiritual yearnings. The Lady of Shalott highlights Waterhouse’s masterful painting skills in creating a dreamy and poignant scene imbued with metaphorical meaning.
The lady is surrounded by symbols of isolation and thwarted love – her tapestry, the boat moving downstream away from Camelot, and the crucifix around her neck. Her pale skin and loosely braided hair represent innocence and entrapment. Yet the redemptive quality of the art is represented by the tapestry and heart-shaped hills in the distance. The twilight landscape gives the painting a melancholic and wistful tone.
Other famous paintings by Waterhouse include Circe Offering the Cup to Odysseus, Pandora, Echo and Narcissus, and The Siren. Waterhouse is renowned for combining masterful painting techniques with poetic subjects from mythology, legend, and literature. His paintings are imbued with metaphorical meaning surrounding themes of love, loss, artistic expression, and humanity’s spiritual search.
The Lady of Shalott is regarded as one of Waterhouse’s most famous and compelling works. It captures the isolation and tragedy of the cursed lady through its mood of melancholic longing and the metaphorical language of symbols. The painting has become an iconic example of Pre-Raphaelite work, demonstrating Waterhouse’s gift for visual poetry and metaphor.
About The Lady of Shalott Oil Painting Reproduction
* SIZE: Any size can be customized.
* MEDIUM: High-quality oil, matte finish.
* SIGNED: Sign as requested.
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