The Girl With A Pearl Earring
The Girl with a Pearl Earring is an oil painting by Dutch Golden Age painter Johannes Vermeer, dated c. 1665. Going by various names over the centuries, it became known by its present title towards the end of the 20th century after the earring worn by the girl portrayed there.
Dimensions: 44.5 cm × 39 cm (17.5 in × 15 in)
Location: Mauritshuis, The Hague, Netherlands
Period: Dutch Golden Age
Created: 1665
Medium: Oil on canvas
Description of The Girl With A Pearl Earring
The Girl With A Pearl Earring is a breathtaking oil painting by the Dutch Golden Age artist Johannes Vermeer, created around 1665. The painting features a young woman wearing a turban and a pearl earring, looking directly out at the viewer with a mesmerizing gaze. The painting is celebrated for its stunning use of light and shadow, its vibrant colors, and its enigmatic beauty.
Vermeer is considered one of the greatest portrait painters in history, known for his masterful use of light and his meticulous attention to detail. Some of his other famous oil paintings include The Milkmaid (1658-1660), The Little Street (1657-1658), and View of Delft (1660-1661).
Vermeer’s work continues to inspire and captivate audiences today, thanks to its timeless beauty, its technical mastery, and its powerful exploration of the human spirit. The Girl With A Pearl Earring is a masterpiece of portraiture, offering a glimpse into the soul of a young woman through a simple, yet powerful image.
About The Girl With A Pearl Earring Oil Painting Reproduction
* SIZE: Any size can be customized.
* MEDIUM: High-quality oil, matte finish.
* SIGNED: Sign as requested.
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