The Floor Scrapers


The Floor Scrapers” is a striking oil painting by the French artist Gustave Caillebotte, created in 1875. The painting features three workers scraping the wooden floor of a room, with their tools and other objects scattered around them. The painting is characterized by Caillebotte’s use of precise perspective and his interest in portraying scenes of daily life with a sense of realism.

Artist: Gustave Caillebotte
Dimensions: 102 cm × 146.5 cm  (40.2 in × 57.7 in)
Period: Impressionism
Created: 1875
Medium: Oil on canvas

Description of The Floor Scrapers

The Floor Scrapers” is a striking oil painting by the French artist Gustave Caillebotte, created in 1875. The painting features three workers scraping the wooden floor of a room, with their tools and other objects scattered around them. The painting is characterized by Caillebotte’s use of precise perspective and his interest in portraying scenes of daily life with a sense of realism.

Caillebotte was a key member of the Impressionist movement, and his works are known for their attention to detail and their focus on the urban landscape. Some of his other famous works include “Paris Street; Rainy Day,” “Boating on the Yerres,” and “The Pont de l’Europe.”

In “The Floor Scrapers,” Caillebotte captures the gritty, everyday reality of life for working-class people in 19th-century France. The painting’s sweeping perspective draws the viewer into the scene, while the workers’ stooped postures and focused expressions convey a sense of hard work and determination.

Overall, “The Floor Scrapers” is a remarkable work of art that reflects Caillebotte’s sensitivity to the struggles and triumphs of ordinary people. The painting remains a powerful statement on the human condition, and it continues to inspire and move viewers with its honest and evocative portrayal of life in a rapidly changing world.

About The Floor Scrapers Oil Painting Reproduction

* SIZE: Any size can be customized.
* MEDIUM: High-quality oil, matte finish.
* SIGNED:  Sign as requested.

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