The Death of Marat


The Death of Marat is a neoclassical painting created by Jacques-Louis David in 1793. It depicts the assassination of Jean-Paul Marat, a radical journalist, and politician during the French Revolution. Marat is shown slumped dead in his bath, holding in his hand a letter from his murderer, Charlotte Corday. The dramatic, tragic scene is intended to memorialize Marat as a revolutionary martyr. David’s signature neoclassical style is evident in the work’s dramatic, theatrical composition, cold color palette, and idealized figures.

Artist: Jacques-Louis David
Dimensions: 162 cm × 128 cm (64 in × 50 in)
Created: 1793
Medium: Oil on canvas
Location: Musée Oldmasters Museum (since 1893)

Description of The Death of Marat

The Death of Marat is a neoclassical painting created by Jacques-Louis David in 1793. It depicts the assassination of Jean-Paul Marat, a radical journalist, and politician during the French Revolution. Marat is shown slumped dead in his bath, holding in his hand a letter from his murderer, Charlotte Corday. The dramatic, tragic scene is intended to memorialize Marat as a revolutionary martyr. David’s signature neoclassical style is evident in the work’s dramatic, theatrical composition, cold color palette, and idealized figures.
David was a leading figure in the neoclassical art movement in France. His paintings incorporated historical and political themes aimed at furthering revolutionary ideals through dramatic depictions of moral virtue and heroism. The Death of Marat is David’s most famous work, created to memorialize a revolutionary leader at the height of radical fervor during the French Revolution.
The life-sized scale, stark whites and greys, and sobering stoicism of Marat’s pose convey themes of sacrifice, tragedy, and moral purpose. Marat is portrayed as a secular saint, his humble features and simple attire belying an air of nobility. The letter in his hand signifies the injustice of his fate, cut down in the act of serving the Revolution’s cause.
Other famous works by David include The Oath of the Horatii, The Coronation of Napoleon, and Portrait of Madame Récamier. David’s art was centered around conveying themes of political radicalism, moral purpose, and neoclassical virtues of heroism, sacrifice, and stoic grandeur.
The Death of Marat has become an icon of both revolutionary fervor and neoclassical style. It demonstrates David’s gift for using art as a tool for memorializing and promoting ideological values. The stirring drama, sobriety, and heroic portrayal of Marat highlight why David’s paintings were so influential in fueling the revolutionary cause through visions of virtuous purpose and sacrifice. The painting signifies a pivotal moment when art and politics were profoundly intertwined.

About The Death of Marat Oil Painting Reproduction

* SIZE: Any size can be customized.
* MEDIUM: High-quality oil, matte finish.
* SIGNED:  Sign as requested.

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