Still Life with Plate of Cherries
Still Life with Plate of Cherries is an oil painting created by Paul Cézanne in 1885-87. It depicts a tabletop arrangement of cherries, biscuits, glass, and ceramic kitchenware. Cézanne’s Post-Impressionistic style is evident in the geometrically simplified forms, flat areas of color, and muted palette. The work highlights Cézanne’s aim to achieve harmony and solidity of structure through unconventional perspectives and color theory. It provides insight into his pivotal role in pioneering modern art’s departure from naturalism toward formal experimentation.
Dimensions: 50 x 60 cm
Period: Post-Impressionism
Created: 1885-1887
Medium: Oil on canvas
Description of Still Life with Plate of Cherries
Still Life with Plate of Cherries is an oil painting created by Paul Cézanne in 1885-87. It depicts a tabletop arrangement of cherries, biscuits, glass, and ceramic kitchenware. Cézanne’s Post-Impressionistic style is evident in the geometrically simplified forms, flat areas of color, and muted palette. The work highlights Cézanne’s aim to achieve harmony and solidity of structure through unconventional perspectives and color theory. It provides insight into his pivotal role in pioneering modern art’s departure from naturalism toward formal experimentation.
Cézanne was a French Post-Impressionist painter known for still lifes, portraits, and landscapes. His paintings explored geometric simplicity, color relationships, and multiple perspectives. Cézanne sought to create visual harmony through calculated applications of pigment, emphasizing underlying form over surface detail. Still Life with Plate of Cherries demonstrates his skill in rendering familiar objects through logical yet unconventional construction of space.
Cherries, biscuits, kitchenware, and table surface are reduced to basic shapes and subtly modulated colors, losing distinct outlines. Different viewpoints merge in a single composition, with some objects viewed from above and others from the side. A diagonal shadow activates the space, unifying through the central alignment of the pitcher, plate, and glass. Cézanne’s methodical brushstrokes build color harmonies and volume through the repetition of warm and cool tones. A sense of solidity emerges from instability, order mastering competing perspectives.
Other famous works by Cézanne include The Bathers, Mont Sainte-Victoire, and The Card Players. Cézanne’s Post-Impressionistic paintings explored the relation between color, form, and space. His works aimed to achieve visual harmony by combining multiple viewpoints and rendering nature through basic geometric elements. Cézanne’s paintings pioneered the transition in modern art from naturalism to experimentation with line, color, and abstraction.
Still, Life with Plate of Cherries demonstrates Cézanne’s pivotal role in shaping modern art’s new visual language. His masterpiece highlights principles of geometric simplicity, color theory, and calculated construction of space that broke from the constraints of naturalism. Cézanne’s vision endures in its revelation of strangeness within the familiar, beauty in discord, and matter mastered in the realm of mind. His paintings gave form to the inner logic of our perceptual world, fusing fragment and whole in states of being both forever fleeting yet found.
About Still Life with Plate of Cherries Oil Painting Reproduction
* SIZE: Any size can be customized.
* MEDIUM: High-quality oil, matte finish.
* SIGNED: Sign as requested.
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