St Jerome in the Wilderness
“St. Jerome in the Wilderness” by Albrecht Durer is a compelling oil painting that captures the solitude and contemplation of the revered saint. Depicting St. Jerome in his hermitage, the artwork conveys a sense of introspection and spiritual devotion.
Artist: Albrecht Durer
Date: 1495
Media: Oil-tempera on panel
Dimensions: 23 x 17 cms | 9 x 6 1/2 ins
Location: National Gallery London | United Kingdom
Description of St Jerome in the Wilderness
“St. Jerome in the Wilderness” by Albrecht Durer is a compelling oil painting that captures the solitude and contemplation of the revered saint. Depicting St. Jerome in his hermitage, the artwork conveys a sense of introspection and spiritual devotion. Durer’s meticulous attention to detail and expert use of light and shadow bring the scene to life, allowing viewers to immerse themselves in the saint’s meditative seclusion.
In addition to “St. Jerome in the Wilderness,” Albrecht Durer has created a legacy of iconic oil paintings that continue to inspire art enthusiasts worldwide. His self-portraits, such as “Self-Portrait at Twenty-Eight” and “Self-Portrait in Fur Coat,” are celebrated for their introspective portrayal of the artist and his profound understanding of human emotion. Another renowned work is “The Knight, Death, and the Devil,” a powerful composition that showcases Durer’s exceptional skill in capturing intricate details and symbolic depth.
At Oil Painting Kingdom, we specialize in offering impeccable reproductions of Albrecht Durer’s oil paintings. Our dedicated artists painstakingly recreate each masterpiece, ensuring that every brushstroke and nuance is preserved to capture the essence of the original artwork. With a commitment to delivering custom oil paintings of the highest quality, we invite you to explore our collection and bring the timeless allure of Durer’s art into your living or working space. Visit our website to discover the perfect piece that resonates with your appreciation for art and history.
About St Jerome in the Wilderness Oil Painting Reproduction
* SIZE: Any size can be customized.
* MEDIUM: High-quality oil, matte finish.
* SIGNED: Sign as requested.
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