Signorina E Cavaliere


Signorina E Cavaliere (Young Lady and Cavalier) is a compelling genre scene by Italian artist Adriano Cecchi, completed in 1885. The painting portrays an elegant young woman accompanied by a gentleman at her side. Dressed in an opulent blue gown, the lady glances downward demurely as her male companion gazes directly at the viewer.

Artist: Adriano Cecchi
Date: 1885
Media: oil on canvas
Dimensions: 45.3 x 68 cm (17 3/4 x 26 3/4 )

Description of Signorina E Cavaliere

Signorina E Cavaliere (Young Lady and Cavalier) is a compelling genre scene by Italian artist Adriano Cecchi, completed in 1885. The painting portrays an elegant young woman accompanied by a gentleman at her side. Dressed in an opulent blue gown, the lady glances downward demurely as her male companion gazes directly at the viewer. Soft lighting illuminates the pair as they stroll through a lush garden pathway. Cecchi masterfully captures textures and details to create a realistic impression, from the glint of light on satin to the foliage in the background. The color palette of blue, teal, cream, and brown hues adds to the naturalistic effect.

In addition to genteel scenes like Signorina E Cavaliere, Cecchi was acclaimed for his plein air landscape paintings. Works such as Country Road and The Poplar Grove highlight his ability to recreate the atmosphere and colors of the outdoors. He also produced remarkable still life paintings including Bouquet of Flowers, applying rich color and expert chiaroscuro. Throughout his illustrious career, Cecchi’s observational skills and naturalist techniques were widely praised.

At Oil Painting Kingdom, our artists can recreate replica oil paintings of Cecchi’s works, including Signorina E Cavaliere, with meticulous attention to detail. We also offer custom oil painting services for those seeking an original piece inspired by Cecchi’s signature style. Browse our vast online collection to discover 19th century masterpieces from Cecchi and other artists, perfectly reproduced as replica or custom oil paintings. 

About Signorina E Cavaliere Oil Painting Reproduction

* SIZE: Any size can be customized.
* MEDIUM: High-quality oil, matte finish.
* SIGNED:  Sign as requested.

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