Saint Catherine of Alexandria
Saint Catherine of Alexandria is an oil painting created by Raphael around 1507. It depicts Saint Catherine of Alexandria, an early Christian martyr, holding a palm frond and crowned with a wreath of flowers. Raphael’s High Renaissance style is evident in the idealized figure, graceful composition, and lifelike naturalism. The work provides insight into Renaissance religious art’s aim to inspire veneration through visions of virtue, beauty, and divine perfection.
Dimensions: 72.2 × 55.7 cm (28.4 in × 21.9 in)
Period: Post-Impressionism
Created: 1507-1509
Medium: Oil on wood
Description of Saint Catherine of Alexandria
Saint Catherine of Alexandria is an oil painting created by Raphael around 1507. It depicts Saint Catherine of Alexandria, an early Christian martyr, holding a palm frond and crowned with a wreath of flowers. Raphael’s High Renaissance style is evident in the idealized figure, graceful composition, and lifelike naturalism. The work provides insight into Renaissance religious art’s aim to inspire veneration through visions of virtue, beauty, and divine perfection.
Raphael was a leading High Renaissance painter known for masterful frescoes, portraits, and altarpieces exploring religious and humanist themes. His paintings reflect principles of harmony, ideal beauty, and naturalism developed in Renaissance art. Saint Catherine of Alexandria demonstrates Raphael’s genius for conveying grace and spiritual resonance through a harmonious figure and delicately balanced composition.
Saint Catherine gazes heavenward, her serene expression and loosely draped garb signifying divine virtue and asceticism. She holds attributes of her martyrdom including a spiked wheel and palm frond denoting victory over earthly torment. A wreath of delicately rendered flowers crowns her head, symbolizing the rewards of paradise. Raphael’s use of lighting and color creates a sense of warmth and vitality, illuminating spiritual purity in Catherine’s physical beauty. His masterful brushwork and modeling convey a sculptural quality in the rounded limbs and plunging drapery folds of her gown.
Other famous works by Raphael include The School of Athens, Transfiguration, and Madonna della Seggiola. Raphael’s paintings reflect mastery of Renaissance principles including lifelike naturalism, ideal proportions, perspective, and harmonious compositions inspired by classical art. His works aimed to express humanist ideals of perfection in visions of sacred and moral subjects.
Saint Catherine of Alexandria highlights Raphael’s genius for creating graceful and spiritually resonant devotional images. His masterpiece shaped religious visual culture through its vision of divine virtue incarnate in mortal flesh. Raphael gave form to hopes of heaven attained through earthly struggles nobly borne, and beauty’s saving power along the pilgrim’s path. His paintings shaped a dream of gods and saints as intimate guides, their lives, and legends lighting the way for journeys without end.
About Saint Catherine of Alexandria Oil Painting Reproduction
* SIZE: Any size can be customized.
* MEDIUM: High-quality oil, matte finish.
* SIGNED: Sign as requested.
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