Ophelia is a charcoal drawing created by Odilon Redon around 1865. It depicts the drowning Ophelia from Shakespeare’s Hamlet, rendered in expressive black lines suggesting a sinister and melancholy mood. Redon’s signature Symbolist style is evident in the dreamlike quality, imaginative subject matter and rejection of realism. The work provides insight into Redon’s aim to evoke poetic allegory and explore themes of death, loss of innocence and the subconscious through fantastical visions.
Dimensions: 19.5 x 26.19 cm
Created: 1903
Medium: pastel, paper
Description of Ophelia
Ophelia is a charcoal drawing created by Odilon Redon around 1865. It depicts the drowning Ophelia from Shakespeare’s Hamlet, rendered in expressive black lines suggesting a sinister and melancholy mood. Redon’s signature Symbolist style is evident in the dreamlike quality, imaginative subject matter and rejection of realism. The work provides insight into Redon’s aim to evoke poetic allegory and explore themes of death, loss of innocence and the subconscious through fantastical visions.
Redon was a leading Symbolist artist known for evocative charcoal drawings and lithographs incorporating fanciful landscapes, floral forms, spirit beings and literary subjects. His works invoked themes of dreams, death and the hidden nature of reality through a dreamlike and eerie style. Redon developed an expressive “noir” technique exploring the poetic potential of black as color. Ophelia demonstrates Redon’s gift for psychological nuance and visionary meaning conveyed through imaginative subjects and tonal subtleties of charcoal.
The drowned Ophelia floats serenely in etheric space, garments billowing around her amid sinuous lines suggesting plants or hair strands underwater. Her lifeless face appears pale and ethereal. Redon’s choice of death as the subject and rejection of realism signify themes of loss of innocence and the subconscious. The poetic fracture of forms into abstract lines and shapes evokes a melancholy yet luminous quality, imbuing death with grace and hinting at existential continuity beyond mortal bounds.
Other famous fantastical works by Redon include The Cyclops, The Rise of the Sun and Closed Eyes. Redon was a leading Symbolist artist known for charcoal drawings and lithographs exploring themes of dreams, death and the hidden nature of reality through imaginative subjects. Redon gave shape to visions untethered from reason’s course.
Ophelia highlights Redon’s gift for conveying the psychological depth and allegory through visionary technique. His drawing shaped Symbolism as a vehicle for articulating themes of existential angst and humanity’s encounter with the abyssal. Redon gave form to realms where eternity keeps company still with loss, and solace comes as a waking dream. His works remind us purpose wears each secret known and unknown to desire’s reach, where wanderings commence as in rich interiors lit, the familiar left behind and gods alone familiar grown strangely wistful and divine.
Redon’s art consecrates a world fantastical lit from within, where meaning keeps in moments touched eternally then gone. His drawings propose life alone gives shape at the journey ends where paths converge in flowerings dark and fair, and caret gives way before the silent stare of gods who shape our final peace.
About Ophelia Oil Painting Reproduction
* SIZE: Any size can be customized.
* MEDIUM: High-quality oil, matte finish.
* SIGNED: Sign as requested.
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