Oath of the Horatii


Oath of the Horatii” is a famous oil painting by French artist Jacques-Louis David. It was created in 1784 and is 330 cm x 425 cm in size, making it a large and impressive piece. The painting depicts a powerful and emotional scene of three Roman brothers pledging an oath to fight for their country. Their father, dressed in white, holds their swords as they take the oath, while their distraught female relatives weep in the background.

Artist: Jacques-Louis David
Dimensions: 329.8 cm × 424.8 cm
Created: 1784
Medium: Oil on canvas
Location: The Louvre (Musée du Louvre) Paris

Description of Oath of the Horatii

Oath of the Horatii” is a famous oil painting by French artist Jacques-Louis David. It was created in 1784 and is 330 cm x 425 cm in size, making it a large and impressive piece. The painting depicts a powerful and emotional scene of three Roman brothers pledging an oath to fight for their country. Their father, dressed in white, holds their swords as they take the oath, while their distraught female relatives weep in the background.

David’s painting is known for its dramatic and emotionally charged composition, as well as its clear and precise lines and attention to detail. It serves as a tribute to the strength and heroism of the ancient Romans, and a call to duty and sacrifice in the face of adversity.

David is known for several other famous oil paintings, including “The Death of Marat,” which depicts the assassination of the famous French revolutionary, and “Napoleon Crossing the Alps,” which portrays Napoleon on horseback crossing the rugged mountain landscape. Like “Oath of the Horatii,” these paintings are known for their powerful and emotional impact, as well as their precise and detailed composition.

About Oath of the Horatii Oil Painting Reproduction

* SIZE: Any size can be customized.
* MEDIUM: High-quality oil, matte finish.
* SIGNED:  Sign as requested.

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