“Madonna” is an oil painting created by the Norwegian artist Edvard Munch in 1894-1895. The painting measures 97 cm x 87 cm and depicts a young woman, presumably a mother holding a child, surrounded by a halo of light and flowers.
Dimensions: 97 cm × 87 cm
Created: 1894-1895
Description of Madonna
“Madonna” is an oil painting created by the Norwegian artist Edvard Munch in 1894-1895. The painting measures 97 cm x 87 cm and depicts a young woman, presumably a mother holding a child, surrounded by a halo of light and flowers.
Edvard Munch is known for his expressionist paintings, which often explored themes of love, despair, and death. His other famous works include “The Scream,” “Dance of Life,” and “Vampire.”
In “Madonna,” Munch combines traditional religious imagery with his expressionist style, creating a powerful and emotional composition. The painting’s colors and swirls suggest the turbulence and intensity of human emotions, while the halo of light suggests the presence of the divine.
The painting is considered one of Munch’s masterpieces, and it can be found in the collection of the Munch Museum in Oslo, Norway. Today, “Madonna” remains a powerful example of expressionism, inviting viewers to explore the emotional complexity of the human experience and the transformative power of the divine.
About Madonna Oil Painting Reproduction
* SIZE: Any size can be customized.
* MEDIUM: High-quality oil, matte finish.
* SIGNED: Sign as requested.
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