La Grand Odalisque
“La Grande Odalisque” was created by Jean Auguste Ingres in 1814. It is an oil on canvas painting that measures 88.9 cm × 162.56 cm (35 in × 64 in). The painting depicts the sensual and exotic image of an odalisque, which was a term used to describe female slaves or concubines in the Ottoman Empire. In the painting, she is depicted lying on a couch with her elongated body twisted, revealing her curvy form.
Dimensions: 88.9 cm × 162.56 cm (35 in × 64 in)
Style: Neoclassicism, Orientalism
Created: 1814
Medium: Oil on canvas
Description of La Grand Odalisque
“La Grande Odalisque” was created by Jean Auguste Ingres in 1814. It is an oil on canvas painting that measures 88.9 cm × 162.56 cm (35 in × 64 in). The painting depicts the sensual and exotic image of an odalisque, which was a term used to describe female slaves or concubines in the Ottoman Empire. In the painting, she is depicted lying on a couch with her elongated body twisted, revealing her curvy form.
Jean Auguste Ingres was a French neoclassical painter known for his meticulous and highly skilled technique. Some of his other famous oil paintings include “The Valpinçon Bather”, “Madame Moitessier”, and “The Death of Leonardo da Vinci”.
“La Grande Odalisque” is notable for its idealized portrayal of beauty and sensuality, and it has become one of the most recognizable artworks of the 19th century. Ingres used his skillful technique to create a stunning representation of the female form, which was considered scandalous and provocative at the time. The painting continues to captivate and challenge viewers to this day, as its exotic subject matter and complex composition invite interpretation and debate.
About La Grand Odalisque Oil Painting Reproduction
* SIZE: Any size can be customized.
* MEDIUM: High-quality oil, matte finish.
* SIGNED: Sign as requested.
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