Jacob’s Dream
Jacob’s Dream is a captivating oil painting created by Adam Elsheimer in the early 17th century. Completed in the year 1600, this masterpiece measures 28.6 x 36.8 cm and is currently housed in the State Museums of Berlin, Germany.
The painting depicts the biblical story of Jacob’s dream as described in the Book of Genesis.
Created: 1600
Medium: Oil on canvas
Description of Jacob’s Dream
Jacob’s Dream is a captivating oil painting created by Adam Elsheimer in the early 17th century. Completed in the year 1600, this masterpiece measures 28.6 x 36.8 cm and is currently housed in the State Museums of Berlin, Germany.
The painting depicts the biblical story of Jacob’s dream as described in the Book of Genesis. Jacob, the central figure, is shown resting on a rock with his head supported by a stone. Above him, a ladder reaches towards the heavens, with angels ascending and descending. The dream is said to symbolize the connection between God and humanity, as well as the promise of divine protection and blessings.
Adam Elsheimer was a renowned German artist of the Baroque period. Alongside Jacob’s Dream, he created several other notable oil paintings. One of his famous works is The Flight into Egypt, a scene depicting the Holy Family escaping to Egypt. Another renowned piece is The Baptism of Christ, which portrays Jesus being baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan River.
If you are a fan of Adam Elsheimer’s work and wish to own a replica oil painting or a custom oil painting inspired by his style, there are various skilled artists and art studios that specialize in creating such pieces. These artists can meticulously recreate Elsheimer’s masterpieces or incorporate his techniques and themes into custom artworks tailored to your preferences. Whether you desire an exact replica or a personalized piece inspired by Elsheimer’s style, a custom oil painting can bring the beauty and essence of his art into your own space.
About Jacob’s Dream Oil Painting Reproduction
* SIZE: Any size can be customized.
* MEDIUM: High-quality oil, matte finish.
* SIGNED: Sign as requested.
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