Composition A


“Composition A” is a groundbreaking abstract painting by the Dutch artist Piet Mondrian, created in 1920. The painting features a grid of geometric shapes, with bold primary colors and black lines forming a dynamic and complex composition. The painting is characterized by Mondrian’s use of simple forms and his interest in exploring the fundamental principles of balance, harmony, and rhythm.

Artist: Piet Mondrian
Dimensions: 135.5 x 115cm
Created: 1923
Medium: Oil on canvas
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Description of Composition A

Composition A” is a groundbreaking abstract painting by the Dutch artist Piet Mondrian, created in 1920. The painting features a grid of geometric shapes, with bold primary colors and black lines forming a dynamic and complex composition. The painting is characterized by Mondrian’s use of simple forms and his interest in exploring the fundamental principles of balance, harmony, and rhythm.

Mondrian was a pioneer of abstract art, and his works are renowned for their geometric rigor and clarity. Some of his other famous works include “Composition in Red, Blue, and Yellow,” “Broadway Boogie Woogie,” and “Victory Boogie Woogie.”

In “Composition A,” Mondrian creates a powerful sense of tension and dynamism through his use of color and line. The painting’s intricate grid structure draws the viewer’s eye in multiple directions at once, while the bold colors create a vivid and dynamic visual experience.

Overall, “Composition A” is a masterpiece of modern art that reflects Mondrian’s revolutionary vision and his ongoing exploration of the essential elements of form and color. The painting remains a powerful symbol of artistic innovation and creativity, and it continues to inspire and challenge viewers to this day.

About Composition A Oil Painting Reproduction

* SIZE: Any size can be customized.
* MEDIUM: High-quality oil, matte finish.
* SIGNED:  Sign as requested.

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